Friday, 4 November 2011

Bras for Buildings?

Alas no, it's not some new architectural feature (sadly) however, pootling home from work on my bike a week or so ago, a flash of neon pink caught my eye. I ground to a halt and crossed the road to eOn the other side of the river near the National Theatre, I saw the ITV Southbank Building sporting a rather fetching hot pink bra.
As it turns out, it was a commission by Vanish in support of Breast Cancer Campaign's major fundraiser Wear It Pink Day on the 28th October. At 30 metres in 'the chest' it took one person four weeks to make and weighs the equivalent of 1800 bras, officially making it the world's largest bra (verified by Guinness World Records)! A brilliant and innovative way to raise money and awareness of the charity and all the work it does. It's the second year running that the campaign has been supported by Vanish with donations to the charity coming from sales of their specialised packs. Of course, the whole thing was documented, so check out the videos (googling giant bras can bring up some weird shit, believe me).  So, props to Chillisauce events, Vanish and Breast Cancer Campaign for teaming up pulling it off, the only question is, can they better it next year?
To find out more or to donate click here. You could simply donate £2 by texting the word CURE to 70070.

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