Monday, 25 June 2012

Recipe: Leek, Bacon, Cheese and Asparagus Quiche

I love the feeling when you happen to have two or three amazing ingredients in your possession and a recipe is born. This happened to me recently, I had a mysterious episode where I mislaid a box of eggs. Being in the pub might have had something to do with it, because I lost my copy of Grazia around the same time. After recovering my sanity somewhat, new eggs were bought, a requirement for a weekend breakfast. By the end of the weekend, I had  a box of lovely eggs, some English Asparagus and a hunk of Lancashire cheese. What else could I do but make a quiche? Lancashire cheese and asparagus are a match made in heaven, if I do say so myself and if Nigel Slater says so, it must be true ( I love how he calls asparagus 'Spears of the realm'). The creamy, crumbly cheese works so well with the delicate spears of greeny goodness and asparagus is delicious in a quiche.

So how, I hear you cry, did leek and bacon come into it? Well, I love leeks and thought they would complement the flavour better than an onion or similar and the bacon was on offer. If I were to make this over again,  I would probably skip the bacon but it made it salty and tasty - all the better for a workday lunchbox.

I've never made quiche before and I honestly thought that it would be a lot easier to make than it turned out but I neglected to take the whole pastry thing into account. So, the first thing you have to do is blind bake your pastry crust which firms up the pastry in your quiche tin so it cooks properly and doesn't turn to mush when you add your filling. I'll admit, I didn't make my pastry - I used ready made own-brand supermarket stuff. the trouble was that it was ready rolled a bit too thin so blind baking wasn't that successful - the pastry just didn't firm up as expected however, I carried on regardless.

For the filling I first cooked the bacon in a frying pan with a bit of garlic - the bacon really took on the garlicky flavour which was really tasty in the quiche but if you don't like a strong garlic taste, you can omit this to no bad effect - I tend to get quite carried away. Once the bacon was cooking and nicely I added the chopped leeks. I then blanched the asparagus for about three minutes in boiling water and when I removed them, I plunged them into ice water - a tip I saw somewhere I can't remember that helps the spears to keep their nice green colour. I wouldn't usually bother but I thought it would be a nice idea so that I can arrange them nicely on top of the quiche.

In a mixing bowl, I whisked together three eggs and about 200ml double cream, seasoning with plenty of salt and pepper. I then added about 150g smushed up lancashire cheese (it's so crumbly, it doesn't really grate). Once all the goodies for the filling were cooked, I mixed it all in the bowl and turned it out into the pastry case. Arranging additional blobs of cheese on the top along with the asparagus spears to make it look pretty. Baked in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 - 30 minutes or until just firm and golden on top.

Once, out of the oven a certain someone crumbled even more cheese on top which did no harm (except to the waistline!). Served with a side salad and with plenty leftover for lunches, this was a really nice sunday supper. In fact, I would say this was even better after a night in the fridge and tasted mighty fine hot or cold.

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